Here’s how to Drink, Walk, and Sleep your Way to Better Health

When it comes to losing weight and taking care of health, the most important thing is to set goals that are realistic and achievable. When we say ‘set goals’, we don’t mean aiming to lose a specific number of pounds. Rather, build small, simple everyday habits that lead to better health and fitness overall. For instance, following a schedule will eventually build healthy habits that become a part of your lifestyle.

Drink half a gallon of water every day

Our bodies constantly lose water throughout the day, typically through urine, sweat, and regular body functions such as breathing. How much water you need is subject to a lot of things and differs from person to person. For adults, The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends the following:

  • 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men
  • 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women

This includes water content from other beverages such as teas, juice, and food. (You get approximately 20% of water from the foods you eat)

To make it simple for you, drink half a gallon or five tall glasses of water throughout the day. Start as soon as you wake up and finish with a glass three hours before bed. Drinking water is excellent for weight loss as it fills up your stomach, making you feel less hungry than usual. Keeping yourself well hydrated is will also help you maintain good energy levels. If you’re not drinking enough water your brain function may suffer.

Know that everybody is different and so the amount of water that is needed may vary from person to person. How much water you need depends on factors such as the environment, temperature or season, your diet, where you live, your activity levels, and your health. Drinking water also keeps several health problems away such as constipation, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and skin dehydration.

Maintaining the right water balance is essential for your health. Your body knows this. It will signal you to drink more water. Some ways the body signals you are:

  • Thirst  
  • Fatigue or headaches
  • The color of urine. (Clear or pale urine is an indicator of a well-hydrated body)
  • Increased sweating

Note that in the end, no one can point out exactly how much water you need as it depends on various factors. It is best to experiment and see what works best for you. Some people function better with more water than usual, while for some it only results in frequent trips to the bathroom.


That’s it. It’s simple, free, and one of the easiest ways to stay active, lose weight and build a healthy lifestyle. Brisk walking can help you burn excess calories, boost stamina, improve blood circulation, and improve heart health. You don’t have to walk for hours together. A simple 10-minute walk to a park or restaurant that’s a few blocks away should do. Brisk walking for 30 minutes will help you burn nearly 250 calories and lower your risk of heart attack by 25%. Parking your car a few blocks away from the office is a good way to get some quick and easy exercise. A little trick to build that motivation is to push yourself to beat your walking time each day.

Shut down every night

Getting adequate sleep is essential for your health. In fact, it’s as important as exercising or eating a balanced, nutritious diet.

Although sleep requirements vary from person to person, most adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. Yet close to 35% of adults in the U.S. don’t get enough sleep.  Sleeping for a short duration has been associated with an increased risk of developing obesity. Sleep deprivation can also increase your appetite and cause you to eat foods high in sugar and fat.

Keeping your smartphone away an hour before bedtime will help you achieve quick and sound sleep, making you feel well-rested. Getting a goodnight’s sleep has many advantages. It may help you lose weight, improve concentration, build a healthy immune system, and strengthen your heart to name a few.

Try this: Keep track of how many hours of sleep you get each night. If it’s less than 7, try to go to bed about 30 minutes earlier. Gradually increase this until you’re getting a minimum of 7 hours per night.

If you want good health while keeping things simple, these guidelines are sure to help. Taken together, these habits can improve your overall health and fitness and put you on the path to a long life. Remember, aside from forming healthy habits, staying motivated is one of the pillars of good health.

Making a change in your life is never an easy journey. Breaking old habits and creating healthy ones can be tough and even demotivating at times. But it’s not impossible.

Whether you are looking for a positive change in life, want to improve your diet, or need to lose weight, our doctors at DrNewMed can help you find ways to build a healthier and happier life. From putting you on a healthy weight loss program to helping you build a chronic care management plan, let us help you find a plan that fits your lifestyle needs.

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